Here's Where A Few People Are Making Investments This Week

Uncategorized Apr 03, 2020

Question: Should you stop investing?

For the answer, check out a real story from this week:

A client of mine asked me to stop their monthly deposits into their investment account. But not for the reason you're thinking. He said: "Right now I’m finding my most fruitful investments are encouraging the grocery store clerks and the folks who are worried about the current situation. Lot’s of folks having trouble finding peace, so the mission field is ripe, and it only takes a willingness to share a kind word and an expression of appreciation to make a small difference."

This guy is a real life hero. I would bet you'd agree he's not just making a small difference, but a BIG one. This is a normal family with 4 young kids. They have every reason to keep investing for their own future. But instead, they're investing in someONE instead of someTHING.

They're choosing to Reinvest HOPE rather than Reinvest FEAR.

As you video chat with family, co-workers, and friends...Are you reinvesting Hope in your conversations this week? Or are you reinvesting fear?


Right now, it's easy to feel afraid. It's actually 100% normal. A friend of mine calls fear "a feature that we have as humans, not a bug." It means it is time to pause. Time to reflect. 

And then time to choose. Will you multiply this fear by spreading it, or will you multiply hope? 

Or could I multiply hope in myself (by what I read), and in others around me?

Check out 3 more examples of generosity in the midst of uncertainty:

A family in suburban Chicago reworked their monthly budget to include a line-item called “Coronavirus” to help local business owners that they know.

Global beverage company creates and donates 500,000 bottles of hand sanitizer to help local communities and hospitals.

This one caught me by surprise:

I was talking with my friend Pete, who lives in Mexico with his wife and four kids. We were talking about being generous during this time and he said, "We're practicing being generous by not hoarding when we go shopping for groceries."

There's so many of these stories out there right now. I hope they plant a seed in your mind for how you can be generous.




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